Ode (Otter)
Odell (Otter)
Odie (Otter)
Odis (Otter)
Olaf (Forefather's relic)
Olav (Ancestor, grand-father)
Ole (Forefathers relic)
Olen (Son of Ole)
Oliver (Traces its roots to Latin, meaning olive tree. Currently a very popular name in Denmark)
Olson (Son of Ole)
Oluf (Forefather's relic)
Oscar (God spear, or deer-lover or champion warrior)
Osulf (Divine wolf)
Osvald (Divine power)
Otto (Wealth, fortune)
Ove (Full of terror)
Palle (Tiny, petite)
Pedar (Danish for Peter)
Peder (A stone)
Peer (Rock)
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Per (Rock)
Pontus (Of the sea)
Poul (Small)
Preben (Ornamental bear)
Radulf (House wolf)
Ramnit (Dear or dearest)
Rand (Shield)
Rangvald (Ruler's advice)
Regner (Firm judge)
Rek (Warrior)
Riki (Powerful, wealthy)
Robert (Bright)
Rolf (Legendary wolf)
Ruben (See my son)
Rudolf (Fame)
Rune (Secret lore)
Runi (Wild boar)
Ryker (Strength)
Ræf (Fox)
Røthe (Red)
Salomon (Peace)
Samuel (God has heard)
Sebastian (Majestic; venerable)
Sigmund (Victory)
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Sigurd (Victorious guardian)
Simon (He has heard)
Soren (Stern, severe, God of War)
Steen (Stone)
Stefan (Man with crown)
Steffen (Man with crown)
Sten (Stone)
Stephan (Crown)
Stig (Route)
Stigr (Route)
Styrbiorn (Battle bear)
Svante (Celebrating people)
Sven (Lad)
Svend (Lad)
Swend (Lad)
Søren (Severe)
Tarben (Bear of Thor)
Theodor (Divine Gift)
Thomas (Twin)
Thor (Thunder)
Thorben (Thor's bear)
Thorbjörn (Thor's bear)
Thorn (Thorn bush)
Thorne (Thorn bush)
Tobias (Danish for Tobiah)
Toke (The raging)
Torben (Thor's bear)
Torbjorn (Thor's bear)
Torbjørn (Thor's bear)
Tore (Fighter of Thor)
Torolf (Thor's wolf)
Torsten (Thor's stone)
Torvald (The rule of Thor)
Tory (Conqueror; victory)
Tosh (Strong viking soldier)
Tove (Piece of Thor)
Tovi (Piece of Thor)
Troels (Thor's hostage)
Tue (Peaceful man)
Tycho (Raging)
Tyge (Raging)
Tyke (Raging)
Uddi (Point of an arrow)
Uffe (Wolf man)
Ulf (Thor's stone)
Ulfger (Wolf spear)
Ulrik (Ruler of all)
Unøss (One who has high honor)
Urban (City dweller)
Valdemar (Ruler)
Valdermar (Famous ruler)
Valentin (Healthy)
Valter (Army Rule)
Victor (Victor, conqueror)
Vidar (Fighter in the woods)
Vilfred (Longing for peace)
Vilhelm (Strong mind and protection)
Villum (Will, desire)
Vilmar (Known for strong will)
Waldemar (Famous)
Willamar (Known for strong will)
Wulf (Wolf)